Top Volunteer Art Savage Interviewed in the Capital Gazette
CRAB’s top volunteer of 2017, Art Savage, was interviewed for the Capital Gazette. Read the article here

CRAB in Annapolis Yacht Club Magazine
Annapolis Yacht Club Magazine has a great article on CRAB. Click the link below to read the full story! AYC Beacon.CRAB article.FALL 2017

Ribbon Cutting of New Beneteau F22A’s
CRAB celebrated its new fleet of six brand new Beneteau First 22A’s (A for adaptive) with a ribbon cutting at the US Sailboat Show. Pictured L-R in the boat are Brad LaTour, CRAB President; George Armendariz, CEO Beneteau Americas; State…

Kid Sailing Camp with Annapolis Police in Capital Gazette
CRAB’s kid sailing camp was mentioned in the round up of Annapolis Police summer camps. View the article here, https://digitaledition.capitalgazette.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=17990773-d3e5-4538-ace4-24fd9b916ebf

Chesapeake Bay Magazine announces CRAB’s New Beneteau First 22A’s
In a recent article, Chesapeake Bay Magazine officially announced the donation of 2 Beneteau First 22A’s to Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating. CRAB will be purchasing 4 additional boats to make a fleet of 6. To read the full article click…

2017 BB&G Regatta to Benefit CRAB Great Success
The 2017 Boatyard Bar & Grill Regatta to Benefit CRAB was very successful with 77 boats registering for the race and over 310 crew participating. Following the race, more than 600 of CRAB’s friends and supporter gathered for a great party…

CRAB Kids Camp Makes USA Today
In an article by USA Today about police activity across the nation, CRAB’s very own Kid Camp was highlighted as positive community relations work. “Come sail away with me A few Maryland officers are working hard to show kids that cops are…

Kids Camps Great Success
This past weekend CRAB held its second kids camp for the year in collaboration with the Anne Arundel County Police and the Annapolis City Police. The camps were attended by a total of 30 kids and 12 officers who sailed…