Our dedicated and knowledgeable volunteers are essential to CRAB’s sailing programs. Every volunteer is trained to provide a safe and enjoyable recreational experience for our guests.
Our Volunteers
CRAB relies on the dedicated service of volunteers, from salty sailors with years of expertise to volunteers with no boating experience, there’s something for everyone!
Each year, volunteers complete annual training sessions specific to our fleet and guests. They are responsible for reading the CRAB Volunteer Operations and Safety Manual, having a background check, and undergoing hands-on training to board, sail, and disembark guests. CRAB is proud to offer our volunteers an award-winning learning process that ensures the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of CRAB guests and other volunteers.
In 2024, over 150 volunteers contributed 5,212 hours to CRAB’s sailing events. CRAB volunteers are dedicated, experienced, and knowledgeable. CRAB is always looking for skippers as well as crew wanting to share their time and talents for a wonderful cause!
Volunteer Positions
Experienced Skippers
CRAB skippers must have extensive sailing experience & sailing resume
Skippers work directly with CRAB Fleet Directors to ensure guests have a safe and memorable sailing experience. CRAB Skippers sail on CRAB’s fleet of Beneteau 22A’s and/or our Gemini Freestyle power catamaran. Skippers should have substantial small sailboat experience and are required to complete several CRAB Skipper Training Sessions before taking the helm.

Boat & Shore Crew
CRAB Crew volunteers assist the Skipper when taking guests sailing and racing in regattas. Tasks include assisting guests with boarding and disembarking, handling the sails, guest comfort,, and any other assistance a skipper or guest may need during a sail.
Shore Crew provide guests with assistance with their personal floatation devices and ensure each guest has had access to water and sunscreen prior to their sail. Shore crew also assist guests with signing waivers and any special requests before sailing.
How to Become a Volunteer
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Create a website login, and once CRAB has activated your account, sign-up for events!
I’m Ready to Go to Volunteer Training
Once you have completed and submitted the Volunteer Interest Form, you will be notified by CRAB Staff to read and sign the CRAB Volunteer Operations & Safety Manual. A passcode for access to the manual will be sent to you
Once you have read the CRAB Volunteer Operations & Safety Manual please complete the Volunteer Waiver, Background Check and Acknowledgement Form. Upon completion you will be contacted by CRAB Staff to schedule Volunteer Training. Annual CRAB Volunteer Training is mandatory for all volunteers. Sessions that are held at the beginning of the sailing season, and depending upon demand, additional sessions during the year.
Check the CRAB calendar for training sessions or email Shannon Rohrer, Manager of Programs at [email protected] to schedule your training.